Acoustic Fusion: A Concert on the Green

March 14, 2021

Pasadena, CA – On March 14, 2021, amidst the challenges of a global pandemic and a postponed 2020 concert, Maestro Greg Hosharian and the Armenian Pops Ensemble held a unique and intimate outdoor concert at the home of David and Margaret Mgrublian.

The concert, aptly named "Acoustic Fusion," marked an unprecedented event for the Edward Hosharian Foundation. Unlike any prior concert, this dinner concert was held under the stars, providing a magical and safe environment for attendees.

Maestro Hosharian premiered his original piece, "Born into this Little World (Holly’s Song)," a heartfelt tribute to his newborn daughter, Holly. The evening also featured a stunning vocal performance by Krista Marina, alongside members of the Armenian Pops Ensemble.

The Edward Hosharian Foundation extends a heartfelt thank you to the event sponsors, whose support makes the scholarship foundation's work possible.